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Postmodernist often start with their own lives up by basis for their writing and then embellish it

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7y ago
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Scotty Council

Lvl 1
1y ago
Great choice of answers.
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Lvl 1
4y ago

True stories are expanded to include details that may not have happened. (apex)

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7y ago

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know the statements you were given.

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Caeley Fratello

Lvl 2
2y ago

Postmodernists often start with their own lives as a basis for their writing and then embellish it.

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What best explains why postmodern works often walk a fine line between fiction and nonfiction?

Postmodernist often start with their own lives up by basis for their writing and then embellish it

Which best explains why Postmodern works often walk a fine line between fiction and nonfiction?

Postmodernists often start with their own lives as a basis for their writing and then embellish it.

What genre of writing was invented during the postmodern movement?

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Are personal narratives nonfiction?

Personal narratives are not non-fiction because a narrative is fiction. Also, it depends on how you write your personal narrative.

What is a genre of nonfiction that tells a story about real people and events?

One genre of nonfiction that tells a story about real people and events is narrative nonfiction. This genre presents facts and information in a compelling and storytelling manner, often focusing on actual events and individuals to engage readers. Narrative nonfiction combines the storytelling elements of fiction with the accuracy of nonfiction to create a captivating and informative narrative.

What are some simarlaties and differences between nonfiction and fiction?

Nonfiction presents information based on real events, people, and facts, whereas fiction involves storytelling that is not based on real events. Both genres use storytelling techniques, but nonfiction focuses on facts and truth, while fiction allows for imagination and creative freedom. In nonfiction, the author's purpose is typically to inform or persuade, while in fiction, the author's purpose is often to entertain or evoke emotions.

Regarding the difference between fiction and nonfiction which statement is most accurate?

Fiction refers to storytelling that is not true, often involving imaginary events and characters. Nonfiction, on the other hand, is based on real events, facts, and information. The key distinction is that fiction is created for entertainment or artistic purposes, while nonfiction aims to inform, educate, or persuade.

Which best describes how writers of creative nonfiction often choose their themes?

They choose themes that emerge out of their experiences.apex Creative Writing 3.3.2

What is a challenge writers of crative nonfiction often face?

A common challenge for writers of creative nonfiction is finding the balance between factual accuracy and engaging storytelling. They must ensure that their work is truthful and well-researched while also captivating the reader with compelling narrative elements and literary techniques.

Nonfiction writing includes novels fables or essays?

Nonfiction writing refers to works that are based on facts and reality, as opposed to fiction which is based on imagination. Novels are a form of fiction, while fables are short stories with a moral lesson often involving animals as characters. Essays are nonfiction pieces that present and argue a specific topic or point of view.

What is a characteristic of Postmodern literature?

Postmodern literature often blurs the line between fiction and reality, challenges traditional narrative structures, and questions the concept of universal truths. It incorporates self-referential elements and metafictional techniques to explore themes of fragmentation, subjectivity, and the complexity of language.