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it determines how the molecule functions

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Q: In what way does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living systems?
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How does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living systems?

it determines how the molecule functions

What way does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living systems?

The shape of a molecule can determine its interactions with other molecules in living systems. For example, the shape of enzymes determines their ability to bind to specific substrates. Additionally, the shape of a molecule can influence its ability to cross cell membranes or interact with cell receptors, affecting its overall function within living systems.

In what ways does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living systems?

it determines how the molecule functions

In what way does the shape of molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living systems?

it determines how the molecule functions

In what way does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved with living system?

it determines how the molecule functions

In what way does the shape of a molecule affect how the molecule is involved in living systems?

it determines how the molecule functions

In what way does the shape of a molecule how the molecule is involved with living system?

it determines how the molecule functions

The most fundamental and important molecule that distinguishes living systems from non-living matter is?

The most fundamental and important molecule that distinguishes living systems from non-living matter is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA carries genetic information that guides the development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. It serves as the blueprint for building and maintaining life.

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Is every molecule in a living system an organic compound?

"Not every molecule in a living system is an organic compound." This statement is correct according to the definition of organic compounds as compounds containing carbon. For instance, water is a major component of living systems but is not "organic".

What are some of the environmental concerns about silver nano technology?

The main environmental concern is the amount of silver involved. Some believe it to affect living cells. There is also concern that the silver could seep into the sewer systems and affect the purification process of waste water.

What is the advantage of living systems having a molecule such as ATP?

ATP is a molecule that carries energy somewhat like a battery carries energy. It has 3 phosphate groups, the last one has a high energy bond which is broken whe energy is needed to drive metabolic systems.