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In what ways did the Great Awakening contribute to the independent spirit of American colonists?

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Q: In what ways did the Great Awakening contribute to the independent spirit of American colonists?
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How did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening affect the thinking of the American colonists?

more educated

How did the first awakening contribute to the emergence of American identity?

It helped establish religious pluralism.

How did the First Great Awakening contribute to the emergence of American identity?

It helped establish religious pluralism.

How did the first great awakening contribute to the emergence to American identity?

It helped establish religious pluralism.

What are the major trends and events between 1730 and 1763 that helped to establish an American identity for the colonists?

The Great Awakening and the Seven Year War were two major events that helped to establish an American identity for the colonists. Both of these events occurred between 1730 and 1763.

What effect did the enlightment-35 have on colonies?

The world American colonists lived in during the eighteenth century was changed because of two movements: the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening.

How did the great awakening in the 1730s prepare colonists for the American revelution?

It made them believe that religious freedom was a reason to break away from England; that sort of boosted the revolution

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A declaration of their intent to be independent from Great Britain.

Because of the enlightenment and the great awakening American colonist became...?

The enlightenment and the great awaking American colonists became strong on one thing. The one thing that American colonists can better in was more educated. but they were taught to hate jews and hitler rose up and became a world leader in germany. And hitler created the KKK which are in charge of the illuminati and created the bloods cause screw them punk scraps

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It was mainly the Colonists (what is later called U.S.A} and Britain. The Colonists felt that they were under the British's shadow and wanted to be independent. In 1776, The U.S.A was born

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How did ideas that developed during the enlightenment and the great awakening influence the colonists point of view?

The American colonists' view of government was shaped by both the Enlightenment and the powerful influence of "The Great Awakening". The Enlightenment strongly influenced the founding generation to value the use of reason in this life. "The Great Awakening" ensured that respect for and reference to God would also influence the founders. Both reason and religion are in fact evidently at work (though in different ways) throughout the founding documents of, and the original view of government in, America.