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The manuscript is actually a social contract, which binds the signers to adherence for the sake of the survival of the colony.

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Q: In what ways was the Mayflower Compact a genuine step toward self-government?
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The Mayflower Compact could best be described as?

The Mayflower Compact was a document of the Plymouth Colony. It is best described as a step toward genuine self-government.

The Mayflower Compact can be best described as?

a promising step toward genuine self-government

What document was a step toward self government?

mayflower compact

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What was the name of the agreement that marked a step toward self-government for the English colonies?

The Mayflower Compact

What is the importance in American history of the Mayflower Compact?

It was a step toward self-government in the English colonies.

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Steps toward colonial self-government

The Mayflower Compact and the virginiia house of burgesses are most closely associated with?

Step toward colonial self-government

Why was the Mayflower Compact important step toward representatives government?

The compact pledged their loyalty to England and declared their intention of forming a civil body politic for our better ordering and preservation

What was the document signed by the puritans that was an early first step toward self government?

Mayflower Compact was the first form of self-government in America.

Why was the Mayflower Compact an important step toward representatives government?

The compact pledged their loyalty to England and declared their intention of forming a civil body politic for our better ordering and preservation

What three things did the house of Burgess and the Mayflower Compact allow colonists to do?

allowed steps in the growth of representative democract, a clear step toward self-government, provided an example of a representative form of government