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It was a man named Joseph Friedman, who patented the flexible drinking straw in 1937.

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Q: In what year was the bendable straw invented?
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Who invented the bendable straw?

Arthur A. Aykanian (b.1923), of Massachusetts, invented the first plastic bendable straw, the so-called "bendy straw." He had a patent on the first stay-bent plastic straw, as well. He was the inventor of the spoon straw, originally used for the 7-11 Slurpee.

What is a bendy?

A bendy straw is a drinking straw with a corrugated, bendable section.

What was the first drinking straw made of?

the chinese invented the straw made of bamboo

Why was the straw invented?

in 1888

When the first patent granted that invented a machine that weaved straw with silk or thread the year 1809?

Mary Dixon Kies

Who when and where was the first boat invented?

the Egyptians invented them out of straw and twine and tar

What wood is bendable?

the bendable type

Who invented straw houses?

alberto einstino(;

Who invented the cereal straw?

Joseph Friedman

When was the plastic drinking straw invented?


What part of speech is bendable?

"Bendable" is an adjective.

Did the Chinese invent the drinking straw?

The drinking straw as we know it today was invented in 1888 by Marvin Stone.