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Q: In which 1997 movie would you hear Whoever tells the best story wins?
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Who would win in a fight dead pool or superman?

Whoever the author of the story wishes.

What is the character in a story that tells their own individual story?

They would be the first person narrator.

What parts of speech lies?

As a verb it would be "He lies when he tells the story." As a noun "He tells lies when he talks."

What is the personal story that ponyboy tells cherry?

He tells Cherry about what happened to Johnny... if you read the book you would know!!!

What part of speech is lies?

As a verb it would be "He lies when he tells the story." As a noun "He tells lies when he talks."

Did Trey Songz get anyone pregnant?

Yes he did because he tells us in his song whoever else that he had 2 abortions and he said one would be 5 and the other would be 3

What would be the purpose of having to retell a story?

In the proper time sequence. That is there are no flash backs to an earlier time. Everything is told as it happened. A good example of this is the movie 'High Noon' where the entire event happens on-screen exactly minute to minute as it would have happened in reality.

Would Tolkien like the movie of his story?

Absolutely not.

How does Odysseus finally convince Penelope to accept him?

He tells a childhood story that only he would know.

Is Liam and nile in one direction gay?

NO! why would they be whoever is saying they are you guy are fCUKing GAY! AND THAT THE END OF THE STORY BYE BYE!

Is there a movie based on the story A Day No Pigs Would Die?

yes there is the title is the same as the story

Where can you get the Linda McCartney Story?

WWW.AGHOSTHOUSEPRODUCTION.COM This is where you would find the movie.