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Q: In which of these places does peristalsis not occur?
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In which place does peristalsis not occur?

. Peristalsis does not occur in the...

What place does peristalsis occur?

The mouth

Peristalsis is example of what type of muscle?

Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.

What is segmentation and peristalsis?

This the way the movement occurs in smooth muscle. Peristalsis occurs in the intestine. Segmental movements occur there also but in large waves.

What places does peristalsis not occur?

Long intestine. The food has already been digested and the nutrients are already absorbed in the long intestine, which means the process of digestion has been completed by this stage.

What is peristalsis and segmental movements?

This the way the movement occurs in smooth muscle. Peristalsis occurs in the intestine. Segmental movements occur there also but in large waves.

If the rate of peristalsis is too fast in this organ diarrhea may occur?


What two digestive processes occur in small intestine?

plicae circulares and peristalsis

Does peristalsis occur in the pancreas?

No. It does occur in the esophagus, however.

What three areas of the body does peristalsis occur?

Esophagus, small intestines, large intestines

What is peristalses and what triggers it?

Peristalsis is a series of organized muscle contractions that occur throughout the digestive tract.

What are the effects of peristalsis in the small intestine?

Peristalsis is the series of muscular contractions which moves food through the gastro-intestinal tract. This is necessary for digestion to occur. Food cannot even be swallowed, unless something moves it down the esophagus.