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Q: In which pH level does most organisms survive?
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Why is pH important in bilogy?

pH deterimes whether certain organisms can survive in certain water.

What is the lowest pH level that living things can survive?


What prevents some organisms from living at acidic or basic pH?

Organisms survive at certain pH levels. If the environment is too acidic or severely basic, it can wear away at their cellular structures, causing the organisms to die.

What is the pH level for most humans?

The general pH level for most humans are between 7.35-7.45

What is the pH level in humans?

The pH level in humans is about 7.4 for most cellular functions

What is the pH tolerance level for microscopic organisms that live in swimming pools?


Why is water the most important abiotic factor?

All organisms need water to survive. water helps homeostasis of an organism's body and acts as a universal solvent for the body's pH.

Why would a fish aquarium owner want to purchase a PH probe for their tank?

It is important for a fish aquarium owner to purchase a ph probe for their tank. It helps measure the pH levels in the water. Certain types of fish will only survive in water with a certain pH level and one would need to know what their tank pH level is for their fish to survive.

Why is pH such an important aspect in soil fertility?

pH is important aspect of soil fertility because the level of pH will will influence what kind of organisms that will live in the soil. These can affect how the plants grow since each plant has an optimum pH level in which it will flourish.

Why pH of Soyabean Casein Digest Medium should be adjusted to 7.3?

The maximal growth pH ranges for bacteria are well defined hence to make a medium which meets the requirements of most bacteria a neutral pH is used. 7.3+-0.2 This pH allows for most organisms to survive even though this pH may not allow for optimized growth. Hence it is at this pH to allow relatively good growth of different microbes.

Which pH level has the most acidic?

A pH of 1 is most acidic. The acid in your stomach is about a 2 and it is strong enough to burn a hole in a rug.

What pH level is acidic?

From pH 6 - pH 0. pH 0 being the most acidic.