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Q: Information about bloodiest color in semen?
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How do you tell the difference between urine and semen?

Urine is typically clear to yellow in color and has a distinct odor, while semen is usually white or slightly yellow and has a thicker consistency. Additionally, semen is produced by the reproductive organs during ejaculation, while urine is produced by the kidneys and expelled through the urethra.

What does come look like?

Most semen is white in color, but grey or even yellowish semen can be normal as well. Blood in the semen can cause a pink or reddish color

What color does semen dry?

Semen dries either clear or white.

Is semen pink?

No. It is a white color.

What is donkey semen?

Donkey semen is the excretions from a male donkey that provides the necessary genetic information to combine with the female donkey's egg to produce offspring. The male donkey semen helps determine things like the color of the coat, breed, and other physical features of the offspring.

Can semen change colors?

Yes! Semen is normally a milky white or cream color.

What changes semen color?

Changes in semen color can be caused by various factors such as diet, medication, age, and underlying health conditions. Common reasons for changes in semen color include dehydration, infections, blood in the semen (hematospermia), and certain medical procedures. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if there are persistent changes in semen color to rule out any underlying health concerns.

What is the color of healthy semen?

White or cloudy white

What color is Seimen?

If you meant semen, It it a translucent white.

Can semen change color if not sexually active?

if your semen is not a transparent but cloudy white color, I advise to get a check up... im not a doctor though, just what ive heard

What color is 12 year old sperm?

Semen can be cream, white or yellowish in color.

Why your sperm color off white color?

Because the semen makes it off-white.