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Injections just under the skin, so that you can see the needle while the medication is injected, are referred to as Intradermal. The PPD test for tuberculosis is administered this way.

Injections administered into the layer below the skin are called subcutaneous. Insulin is administered this way.

Injections which deliver medicine into a muscle are referred to as Intramuscular. Most immunizations are given this way, as are most antibiotic injections.

Injections which deliver medicine directly into the bloodstream are referred to as Intravenous.

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13y ago

Not sure what you are looking for... Injections are given intravenously , intramuscular, intradermally, or subcutaneously

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14y ago

Subcutaneous injections.

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Sq means subcutaneously which is used for injections. It means just under the skin.

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Fascia is a tissue which is between the skin and muscle. You should just google this question the next time you have a similar question :-)

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Massages do help. Also, there is a special cream called "burn" and another called "muscle pain". Just rub the hurting area with the cream every night and sleep with the cream facing upwards. Or, just look for medicine at a shop or pharmacy

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via chemicals called neurotransmitters, expressed at sites called synapses, which are tiny gaps between a neuron and another neuron or a muscle cell.

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Subcutaneous refers to something situated or occurring beneath the skin. It is commonly used to describe injections or medications that are administered just below the skin's surface.

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