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Direction. That's why when you're making a turn with a car, you have to slow down first, otherwise the car is going fast and has lots of INERTIA that would make it very difficult to turn.

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Q: Intertia is the property of any object that resists any change in?
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Inertia is the property of any object that reists any change in?

Inertia is a property of matter in which an object resists a change in motion.

What is the tendency of an object to resist change in its motion known as?

It is inertia

When an object resists on any change in motion?


What measure an object tendency to resists change in motion?


What is the property of an object that resists changes in rotational motion?

rotational inertiaMass moment if inertia.

What is the property of body that resists any change in velocity?

The reluctance of a body to change its state of motion is termed inertia. The mass associated with this property is called its inertial mass, notably different from gravitational mass, which is responsible for objects with mass experiencing an attractive force between them. The inertial rest mass of an object is what gives it momentum.

Intertia is the tendency of any object to maintain what?

Inertia is the tendency that all objects resist a change in motion

How does the affect the speed of an object?

More intertia makes it so more energy is needed in order to change the speed.

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What is it when an object resists any change in motion?

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Inertia is the property of any object that resists any change in?

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