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Having these mood swings is the exact sign of pregnancy.

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Q: Is 'just not in the mood of things' a sign of pregnancy?
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Are major mood swings a sign of pregnancy?


When things taste metallic is it a sign of pregnancy?

Some women get funny tastes but it is not a sign of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy you will get is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure.

Is feeling awful and weak and no energy a sign of pregnancy?

Can be but it can also be a sign of many other things. it's not a sure sign of pregnancy so take the test.

Is being hot one moment then cold the next a sign of being pregnant?

Yes,it can happen.It's the hormonal changes.

Is coughing normal in pregnancy?

It's a not a pregnancy sign but just as when you are not pregnant you can get cough or a cold.

What does it mean if you have not had period?

It can mean one of many things, but usually it's a sign of pregnancy. Or you might just not be regular yet, or you're going through menopause, or you're stressed out... Not having your period can be a sign of a LOT of things, so I'd suggest just going to your doctor.

Why do i have a sudden craving for pie?

It could be for many reasons. Your senses could have been stimulated by smelling other foods which altered your mood to wanting pie, or you just like pies or if you are a female it could be a sign of pregnancy.

Is fullness in uterus a sign of pregnancy?

it can be. but it also could be caused by hundreds of other things. the only thing that can give a direct answer of pregnancy is a pregnancy test.

Is your skin breaking out a sign of pregnancy?

No its usually just a sign on your body changing. Everyone breaks out.

Does your mood change when you are pregnant?

it is quirte possible that is a sign, but mood change could mean many things to, you could b stresssing or your body is just out of wack, just take it easy and i would just take a test about 2 weeks after the day you missed your period that is the most accurate time and go from there

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Gassy stomach early sign of pregnancy?

Yes, it can be. However it can also be a sign of other things, such as your period arriving soon. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period