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No. The keyword in this term is "relative." Relative humidity stands for the amount of moisture currently in the air with respect to (or relative to) the amount of moisture that can be held in the air. Colder air can hold less moisture than warm air, so there's a much greater chance of having 100% relative humidity when it's cool out than when it's warm out. For example, if you wake up on a cool morning and experience dew on the ground, it is because the cool air is holding as much moisture (i.e. humidity) as it possibly can. So you are experiencing 100% relative humidity. However, if that same amount of moisture stays in the air throughout the day, once the air warms up, the higher temperature allows for more moisture to be present in the air, and the air may not be fully saturated with moisture, thus you have a relative humidity that is less than 100%. So no, you do not have to be underwater to experience 100% relative humidity; in fact, underwater there is no air to surround you... so you're not experiencing any relative humidity at all.

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50m ago

No, 100% relative humidity means the air is saturated with moisture at a given temperature. Underwater, there is no air but rather water, so humidity is not applicable in that context.

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What does it mean when relative humidity is 100 percent?

It is raining

What is air that has 100 percent relative humidity said to be?


Why does relative humidity rarely reach 100 percent in polluted air conditions?

Pollutants in the air can serve as condensation nuclei, promoting the formation of cloud droplets at lower humidity levels compared to clean air. This can result in clouds forming before humidity levels reach 100 percent. Additionally, pollutants like fine particles can absorb water, reducing the amount available for condensation, which can prevent humidity from reaching 100 percent.

What happens when air reaches its dew points?

relative humidity is 100 percent.

What is the percent of relative humidity when raining?

The relative humidity when it is raining is generally considered to be 100% since if it was lower the rain would evaporate before it reach the ground.

When the relative humidity is 100 percent the air temperature is equal to the dew point temperature?


What type of weather is likely to occur when relative humidity reaches 100 percent?

When the relative humidity reaches 100%, the dew point and air temperature are exactly the same and the weather is extremely humid and it is possible that it will be raining

What type of air has a realative humidity of 100 percent?

That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

What will happen if relative humidity is 100 percent and the temperature begins falling?

It will be stiky and unconmfortable

How do use the word relative humidity in a sentence?

Relative humidity means the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the total amount that could be contained. Or the measure of the amount of water vapor that air is holding compared to the amount it can hold at a specific temperature. This is different at different temperatures. Here are a couple of sentences:1. The relative humidity is 10 percent.2. We studied relative humidity in class.3. Saturation air has a relative humidity of 100 percent.

What does it mean when humidity is 100 percent?

This is called relative humidity. It is the ratio between the actual humidity, and the humidity for saturated air - that is, the maximum amount of water air can hold. This saturation point is dependent on temperature.