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Q: Is Antioch or London closer to Rome?
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How migth a roman trader have gone from ctesiphon to rome?

By the roads to Antioch, straight to Rome.

What where the main cittys when Cleopatra was alive?

The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.The main cities when Cleopatra was alive were all the main cities of the ancient world--Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Antioch, Jerusdalem, etc.

How do you get to Rome from London?

The easiest way to get to Rome from London is to fly from London Heathrow or Gatwick Airport.

What is the distance in miles from London to Rome?

it is 889.34 miles from London to rome

What three cities were part of the roman empire in 44 BC?

In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.In 44 BC there were may cities that were a part of the Roman empire. Rome was number one as it was the capital, but there was also Antioch and Athens for two more.

Is London better than Rome?

London is better than Rome on my opinion

Where did Saint Peter travel to?

Peter traveled to many areas around Palestine as well as to Antioch and Rome where he was martyred.

What were the five cities where Christianity spread in rome?

Alexandria,Antioch,Corinth,Ephesus,and Thessalonica

What city gets the most rain Rome or London?

London is rainier than Rome.

Is Rome NY closer to Watertown NY then Syracuse NY?

No, Rome is 37 miles closer to Syracuse then it is to Watertown.

Which London airport is closer to Hampshire?

London Heathrow