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How do you remove blood and gore from COD Black Ops?

You cannot turn off the blood but you can turn off the gore. If you turn off the gore it doesn't work in online play

Can you turn blood and gore off in modern warfare 2?

No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game

Can you turn off the blood and gore in halo?

no you cant but there really isn't any gore

Can you take off blood and gore on any halo for xbox360?

No, you cannot take the blood and/or gore off any Halo, be it Xbox 360 or not.

Can you turn the blood and gore off for the xbox360 halo?


Can you turn off blood gore and language in mw3?

No you can not

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How do you turn off blood and gore on mw3?

You cant

Can you turn blood and gore off in gta san Andreas?

There is no way to turn off the blood in grand theft auto 3, unfortunately. Neither is there an option to turn off gore (limb detachment).

Can you turn off gore in Grand Theft Auto?

no you cant.

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Is there any way to turn off gore in family settings on xbox 360?

No, the gore is built into the game, and cannot be removed that way.