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Stay away from this so called university. Ashwood University is an institution that claims to give out academic degrees based on "life experience". Ashwood University is not accredited by any recognized accreditation body. As such, its degrees may not be acceptable to employers or other institutions, and use of degree titles may be restricted or illegal in some jurisdictions. Visit for more details

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Depending on where you want your university degree to be accepted. All accredited university degrees are generally accepted for further studies and jobs. Ashwood is an accredited university so it will be accepted.

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Is Ashwood University accredited and can its degrees be accepted in Nigeria?

Ashwood is an accredited university. Generally, accredited university degrees are considered recognized and are accepted by many universities around the world. Depending on your region, area of study and other factors, you might be asked to get your degree verified by the university that issued it. -------------------- Ashwood University is accredited however check the Related Link below as to the worthiness of the degrees You could have a problem getting them accepted in Nigeria.

Is Ashwood University bachelor degree valid in India?

Ashwood University is an accredited university so their degree is recognized in the United States so it should also be accepted in India. However, depending on regulations in India, you might be asked to get your academic documents verified by Ashwood University. Most universities have no problem verifying their own degrees.

Is Ashwood University an accredited university?

Ashwood is an accredited online university, and accredited universities are recognized in the United States. Ashwood University claims to accredited by the Board of Online Universities Accredidation (BOUA) and the World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEAC) both of which are recognized agencies for online college. ----------------------------- Ashwood University claims to accredited by the Board of Online Universities Accredidation (BOUA) and the World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEAC) both of which are unrecognized and fake agencies for online college accreditation according to the Council on Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. On that basis it is advised to proceed with caution and review the Related Link below.

Is ashwood university accepted in Kuwait city?

Ashwood University is an accredited university. In the United States, accredited university degrees are generally accepted and recognized. In Kuwait city, US educational credentials are recognized. Depending on where you are applying your degree (for job or for further studies) you might be asked to provide verified copies of your academic documents most universities credential verification for their degrees.

Ashwood universitysorbon university life experience degreeuseful?

Don't know about this other university, but I am an Ashwood University degree holder and it worked out fine for me.

Is Ashwood University an accredited online School?

Ashwood is an accredited online university. However, check out the Related Link below.

Where can I find more information about Ashwood University?

Although there is a lot of information online for Ashwood University, there are two sites that I would advise for good information. The Ashwood University website and Wikipedia will provide you with all the information you need.

How do you find a university is approved by UGC?

ashwood university

Why is Ashwood University not accepted by the edu system?

Accredited Universities are generally accepted and recognized everywhere. Ashwood University is an accredited online university. This means academic credentials rewarded by the University are accepted and recognized.

Is Ashwood University considered one of the degree mills?


Is Ashwood University issuing fake certificates?

Ashwood issues Accredited Degrees. The two major accreditations that have been granted to Ashwood are from the following recognized institutes:Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA): Awarded the status of accreditation in March 1997World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEAC): Awarded the status of accreditation in March 1999

Can you help me find more information about Ashwood University?

Ashwood University is not a college that has much to offer considering your needs. They are expensive and an unaccredited university. You should look for different colleges that fit your needs online.