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Bruce Lee was not just a movie star,but definitely the world's strongest man!He defeated the world's karate champion with just one big punch to the chest! He could easily do 50 chin ups with just one arm! Once a man challenged Lee for a fight and the fight lasted just 10 seconds in which Lee hit that guy around 20 times and kicked him once! Does any body still has a doubt on how is the world's strongest man?

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Well, no since he has been deceased for 40 years. The answer is still no even if you consider his level of strength during his prime. He may have been stronger than the average person his size, but he was in no way stronger than the men who regularly compete in strength competitions. Bruce was 5 ft. 6 in. tall and weighed 165 lbs. at his heaviest. The winner of the 2012 World's Strongest Man Competition was Žydrūnas Savickas, who is 6 ft. 3 in. tall and weighs 384 lbs. You are living in a fairytale world If you think Bruce could have out lifted a man who was 8 inches taller and 219 pounds heavier than him. A person is ultimately limited by their physical architecture. Larger people with heavier bone structures and bigger muscles will always be stronger than people of smaller stature. Most importantly, saying Bruce is the strongest discounts the strongmen who lived centuries or even millennia before him. There is no way to prove that he was stronger than any of those chaps since they died long before him.

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