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It is a chemical change because the temperature changes, light is emitted, and there is a change in smell or taste. 3 signs of a chemical change.

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1mo ago

Burning wood is a chemical change because it involves a chemical reaction between the wood and oxygen, resulting in the formation of new substances like carbon dioxide and water vapor.

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this is hardlol

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Q: Is Buring wood a physical or chemical change?
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Wood roating is a physical or chemical change?

The rotting of wood is primarily a chemical change. It involves the breakdown of the wood's organic compounds by microorganisms (such as fungi and bacteria) through processes like decomposition and oxidation. This results in the formation of new chemical substances and compounds.

Is hammering wood a physical or chemical change?

A physical change because the chemical composition of the wood does not change.

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Burning gasoline is a chemical change, not a physical change. When gasoline burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction to produce heat, light, and other products like carbon dioxide and water vapor. This change is not easily reversible and involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds.

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Sanding wood is a physical change because it does not change the composition of the wood itself. Sanding simply removes material from the surface of the wood, altering its physical appearance without creating new substances.

Is a wood a chemical or physical change?

Wood is a material. It is not a change.

When wood burns is is a physical or chemical change?

Chemical change

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Chemical change

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Is decaying of wood is physical or chemical change?

Yes,Decaying Of Wood Is Chemical Change. Answered By Warfa

Is painting wood a physical or chemical change?

Its a physical change

Is the carving of wood a physical or chemical change?

The carving of wood is a physical change because the composition of the wood is not altered during the process. The wood is simply being reshaped into a different form without any chemical reactions taking place.

Is wood a physical property or a chemical property?

Physical. If you were to cut that piece of wood in half what would it be? Still wood. There would be no chemical change. Just a physical change.