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Yes, it is the suffix form of the heart: i.e. pericardium (around the heart).

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1mo ago

Yes, "cardium" is a noun that refers to the outer membrane surrounding the heart.

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Q: Is Cardium a noun form of heart?
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What a noun form for heart?

HEART is a noun

What is the medical term for at the heart?

Heart is called as 'Cardium'. Cardia is a Greek word for heart. Cor is a Latin word for heart. From 'Cor' you get coronary word.

What word is a noun form for heart?

The word heart is a noun; it's both a concrete and an abstract noun, depending on the kind of heart.

What is the root word for pericardiectomy?

That would be "cardium".The root word is cardium meaning heart. Then Peri- for around, and -ectomy for removal have been added. So a pericardectomy is the surgical removal of the sac around the heart.

What is the definition of myocardium?

"Myo-" means muscle and "-cardium" means heart. So myocardium is heart muscle. It's the stuff that actually does the work of contracting the heart to pump blood around.

What is part of heart?

The word heart is a noun. The plural form is hearts.

What parts of speech is heart?

The word heart is a noun. The plural form is hearts.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the interior of the heart?

Pericardial (peri = around + card = heart + al = pertaining to) is an adjective that must be paired with a noun such as pericardial diaphragmatic hernia or percardial sac. It is originally a Latinized for of the Greek word perikardion meaning membrane around the heart.

Is heart a noun?

Yes, the word heart is a noun, a singular, common noun; a concrete noun as a word for an organ of the body; an abstract noun as a word for the central, most important part or the center of a person's thoughts and emotions. The noun heart is a word for a thing.

Is sweetheart a compound word?

Yes. It is of the form Adjective (sweet ) + Noun ( heart ).

Is heart a proper noun or a common noun?

heart is a common noun

What noun is for heart?

The noun 'heart' is a singular, common noun. The noun 'heart' is a concrete noun as a word for a hollow muscular organ of vertebrates that expands and contracts to move blood throughout the body; something resembling a heart in shape. The noun 'heart' is an abstract noun as a word for the central or most important part (the heart of the forest, the heart of the matter); human feelings (a killer with no heart).