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Clostridium tetani is a bacterium.

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Q: Is Clostridium tetani a virus or bacterium?
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The bacterium that causes tetanus is?

Clostridium Tetani

What microbes cause measles and tetanus?

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani. Measles is caused by a virus.

What is the bacterium clostridium tetani produces a poison called?

bacteria (plural of bacterium) produce poisonous substances called toxins. The toxin produced by clostridium tetani causes tetanus. hope this helps =)

How long do Clostridium Tetani Bacterium live?

Clostridium Tetani is commensal in feces of many animals. Spores can survive for very long period. May be for months together.

Is tetanus and lockjaw caused by bacteria?

Clostridium tetani is the bacterium that causes tetanus and lockjaw.

What is the scientific name for clostridium tetani?

Genus: Clostridium. Species: Clostridium Tetani.

What is the location of clostridium tetani?

Clostridium tetani is found in the soil.

What bacterium contribute to tetanus in a horse pasture?

Clostridium tetani, which is found in the gastrointestinal tract and feces of horses.

What bacteria produce toxin that can cause tetanus?

The bacterium which produces the toxin that causes tetanus is Clostridium tetani.

What type of pathogen is tetanus?

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium, Clostridium tetani, so the pathogen type is bacterial.

Is tetanus a virus bacteria or fungi?

No, It is cause by Clostridium tetani which is a Gram-positive, motile bacterium found in soil and animal feces. Toxigenic strains of C. tetani contain a plasmid encoding the potent exotoxin which causes tetanus (lockjaw).

Clostridium tetani most common victums to prey on?

Clostridium Tetani Mainly Affects Humans, But Also Animals