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yes it supports the wave theory of light...

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The Compton effect supports the particle theory of light, as it demonstrates that photons (particles of light) can interact with matter like particles and exhibit particle-like behavior by transferring momentum to electrons during scattering. This is not consistent with the wave theory of light, which views light as a continuous wave rather than individual particles.

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Q: Is Compton effect support the wave theory of light or particle theory?
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Which cannot be explained with wave theory of light?

Wave-particle duality, which suggests that light sometimes behaves like a wave and other times like a particle, cannot be fully explained by the wave theory of light. The photoelectric effect and Compton effect also challenge pure wave theory by demonstrating particle-like behavior of light.

What is the difference between particle and wave theory of light?

Particle theory of light, proposed by Isaac Newton, views light as composed of discrete particles called photons. Wave theory of light, formulated by Thomas Young, describes light as a wave propagating through a medium. The wave theory better explains phenomena like interference and diffraction, while the particle theory accounts for aspects such as the photoelectric effect.

Why did Arthur Holly Compton win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927?

Arthur Holly Compton won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for his discovery of the Compton effect, which demonstrated the particle-like nature of electromagnetic radiation. This confirmed that light can behave as both a wave and a particle, a key insight in the development of quantum theory.

What does not support the wave nature of light?

The photoelectric effect does not support the wave nature of light. This phenomenon can only be explained by the particle nature of light, as described by Albert Einstein in his theory of photons.

What is the name for the particle theory?

The particle theory is called the "particle model" or "particle theory of matter." It proposes that all matter is composed of tiny particles that are in constant motion.

Related questions

What were arthur compton's contributions to the atomic theory?

Arthur Compton made significant contributions to the atomic theory by discovering the Compton effect, which provided experimental evidence for the particle nature of light. This discovery helped establish the understanding that light can behave as both a wave and a particle, which was fundamental to the development of quantum mechanics.

Which cannot be explained with wave theory of light?

Wave-particle duality, which suggests that light sometimes behaves like a wave and other times like a particle, cannot be fully explained by the wave theory of light. The photoelectric effect and Compton effect also challenge pure wave theory by demonstrating particle-like behavior of light.

What is the difference between particle and wave theory of light?

Particle theory of light, proposed by Isaac Newton, views light as composed of discrete particles called photons. Wave theory of light, formulated by Thomas Young, describes light as a wave propagating through a medium. The wave theory better explains phenomena like interference and diffraction, while the particle theory accounts for aspects such as the photoelectric effect.

Why did Arthur Holly Compton win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927?

Arthur Holly Compton won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for his discovery of the Compton effect, which demonstrated the particle-like nature of electromagnetic radiation. This confirmed that light can behave as both a wave and a particle, a key insight in the development of quantum theory.

What does not support the wave nature of light?

The photoelectric effect does not support the wave nature of light. This phenomenon can only be explained by the particle nature of light, as described by Albert Einstein in his theory of photons.

What has the author Maria Juranyi written?

Maria Juranyi has written: 'Studies of the compton effect from the viewpoint of the ballistic theory of light'

What is the name for the particle theory?

The particle theory is called the "particle model" or "particle theory of matter." It proposes that all matter is composed of tiny particles that are in constant motion.

In what way does the photoelectric effect support the particle theory of light?

The photoelectric effect occurs when light photons hit a material's surface, ejecting electrons. This demonstrates that light can transfer discrete packets of energy (photons), supporting the particle theory of light proposed by Einstein.

Discovery of particle theory of light?

The particle theory of light, which suggests that light is made up of small particles called photons, was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 to explain the photoelectric effect. This theory revolutionized our understanding of light and helped to explain phenomena that the wave theory of light could not account for. Today, the particle-wave duality of light is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics.

What evidence supports the particle nature of light?

There are three main pieces of evidence to support the Kinetic Theory of Matter1) Brownian Motion 2) Diffusion 3) Thermal Expansion:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)Thanks guys xxHope this helps!!Good Luck! xx

What is the particle model of light?

The particle model of light, known as the photon theory, describes light as being made up of individual packets of energy called photons. Photons have characteristics of both particles and waves, depending on how they are observed. This model helps explain phenomena such as the photoelectric effect and the behavior of light in certain experiments.

Is the emission of electromagnetic radiation by an excited atom a wave or particle theory?

wave theory of light