

Is Darwinism real or not

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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  • Do not confuse Darwinism and evolution. Darwinism is the name loosely given to a theory, properly called Natural Selection, which attempts to explain the mechanics of evolution, which is not a theory but a set of well-observed scientific facts.
  • Of course Darwinism, the theory that species of organisms develop through "natural selection" is real. The question should be "Is Darwinism correct?" And all the evidence shows that it is. Natural selection is happening right now. There is no question about it: organisms evolve through natural selection.
  • The proposals in Darwin's "Origin of Species" have been examined at length by science and found to be totally supportable, and repeatedly proven by observation. Fossil records confirm species evolution in the past, microbial evolution is observed constantly in hospitals.
  • Don't be misled by that word "theory." A theory is a tool used to explain the nature of facts. The fact in this case is evolution. Its existence is obvious to anyone who has ever studied the real world. Darwinism is a theory that seeks to explain the mechanics of evolution, just as Newton's Theory of Gravitation seeks to explain the mechanics of gravity.


  • Darwinism is a theory, not a fact. It is completely unproven and the social consequences of accepting such a theory need to be looked at. Not to mention that even if evolution is true, that doesn't mean that Darwinism is.


Subtitled: Hey, he started it!

  • Claiming that something is "theory, not fact", does nothing to address the issue.
  • Claiming that a theory is "unproven" shows either a complete misapprehension of how science works, or demonstrates denial of the comprehensiveness of the evidence supporting the theory.
  • Arguing "social consequences" is a blatant and undisguised appeal to consequences. Scientific theories don't become less true (or truer) just because they have less favourable (or more) consequences. In the end, only one question matters: does it match the available data, ie. is it accurate?
  • Arguing that natural selection/Darwinism could still be false again does nothing to address the point that it currently does fit all the available data.

The claims of Darwinism/Evolution are that life evolves and does so by common ancestry and the driving force of that evolution is Natural Selection. It is supported by every scientist in the world (or, if it isn't, it should be, given the evidence). But never mind who supports it - it is so simple, very easy to understand. And, perhaps more importantly, there is evidence and confirmation from kaleidoscopically varied branches of science (genetics, ethology, Paleontology.) There is no refutation yet and brilliant explanation. Indeed, the claims of Darwinism/Evolution are true (we conclude this because of evidence). In the terms of the question, Darwinism is real.

Most experts in the field question whether the term "Darwinism" is even appropriate. As an analogy, one might question how appropriate it is to describe an explanatory model for gravity as "Newtonism". Not just because Newton was succeeded by Einstein, but also because it's just silly.

"Darwinism", when used, is most likely to refer to Darwin's original hypotheses regarding natural selection. In effect, the question posed becomes: "Is natural selection real or not?" The answer must be, unequivocally, yes. Natural selection is observed and confirmed through so many independent lines of evidence that denying it takes place is the epitome of unreasonably.

The best way to look at evolution is to just look at the evolution of the air plane. The Wright Brothers flew the first engined powered aircraft in 1903. You may know people who were alive then. Now where has this evolved to? The "walk on the moon". How about computers? The very smallest today have evolved from rather large ones only a few years ago. These small ones have taken us to Mars. The old ones could not have done so. These are all examples of evolution and have been happening right under your nose, every day.

Remember that evolution means change over time.This is called a theory but scientists mean that these are provable facts.

Many people say that evolution is only a "theory" but this following statement is also a theory: E=MC2 This should seem familiar to all. Remember Einstein? This is his "theory". I know no one who disputes this theory.

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