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Diet Coke has little or no sugar in it. Sugar is a form of energy and so would not be added to diet coke. Diet coke is pretty much carbonated water and addatives and contains only a couple of calories.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Coke by far

.....however, the fake sugars in Diet Coke confuse your body into thinking you are ingesting something thousands of times more sugary than real sugar. This can lead to diabetic complications or blood sugar irregularites. Drinking real sugar is a far better idea than drinking chemicals.

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12y ago

No, though it is full of sweetners which are actually worse for you than sugar itself.

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15y ago

Of course not. Spill a little bit of both on the table and wait until they dry. The normal coke will be sticky due to the syrup (sugar) content. Diet Coke will be just dry stain.

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13y ago

It depends on the person's tastebuds, but I think normal coke is sweeter than diet.

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12y ago

Yes, it uses artificial sweeteners instead of real sugars.

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14y ago

generally diet drinks are sugar free. Even if not, they probably have less sugar than normal drinks.

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Q: Is Diet Coke sweeter than normal coke?
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Diet, it makes you hungrier, which makes you eat a lot more calories.

Is there any sweeteners in coke?

Yes, in normal coke, there is sugar an corn syrup, and in diet coke there is aspartame.

Why is Diet Coke lighter than normal coke?

its not lighter it just has less sugar

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Because the chemicals in diet coke react with the chemicals in the mentos, Normal coke has the same chemicals that mentos has, that is why you need to have a positive and negative to react, Normal coke and mentos is positive and positive.

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diet coke has acid in it just less than coke diet coke does not have sugar either which coke and coke zero has

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Diet Coke is darker.

Which is healthier Diet Coke or coke zero?

Well if you look on the back of the can it will tell you the calories and what it has inside it but its definitely coke zero because not only has it got zero calories it has zero caffeine and sodium

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Diet Coke

WhY do people like coke better than sams coke?

Because Sams coke is sweeter than regular coke and Sams coke taste flat!

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diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!

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diet coke the ingredients they put in with the diet coke reacts faster then regular coke.