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No. She died February 24, 1994, of ovarian cancer.

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Q: Is Dinah Shores black child still alive?
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Why did george Montgomery divorce dinah shore?

Dinah Shore did not know she had any black blood. George Montgomery was a racist or did not believe Dinah's story. I personally rem ember he left as quickly as possible not caring about his child nor Dinah. Dinah was shattered.

Did Jacobs daughter dinah have children?

Jacob had more daughters not just Dinah. In Gen. 37:35 it says, "....and all his sons and all his DAUGHTERS rose to comfort him-(Jacob)-but he refused to be comforted..." Daughters were rarely mentioned in the bible, only sons were mentioned.

Who were the people of jabesh-gilead?

They were the children of Dinah, descended from a gentile father. Dinah was the seventh born child of Jacob/Israel, who was born on the 7th day of the 7th month.

Did Dinah Shore have a black baby?

No, she did not. Both of her parents were Russian Jewish immigrants.

Can a white woman have a black child?

Yes, if the father is Black, though her child would be half Black.

How can a black mother not have a white child but a white mother can?

Skin color is determined by the combination of genes from both parents. A black mother and white father can have a mixed-race child with a range of skin tones. However, a white mother and white father cannot have a black child because both parents lack the genes for producing darker skin pigmentation.

Is Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child still alive?

As of the 6th of September 2016, she is still alive.

How do you say 'black haired child' in Japanese?

'black haired child' is "KuroKami No Kodomo"

What is the birth name of Black Child?

Black Child's birth name is Ramel Gill.

Did Jacob's daughter Dinah ever have children?

Maybe. The bible said that 66 people including Dinah entered Egypt. But some bibles say 67 people entered Egypt. However they only named 66 persons. This could mean a typo or Dinah's unnamed child. Jewish writings say Asenath, Joseph's wife is Dinah's daughter. There is no evidence of this and highly unlikely. An interesting canidate is Shaul, Simeon's son. It has been said that Dinah was the "Canaanite woman" that is the mother to Shaul and that Shaul is the adopted son of Simeon. Simeon married Dinah (but never had any relations with her) to hide to shame from strangers, and Shaul was born soon after their marriage. Simeon then adopted Shaul as his son to hide his real identity. Therefore, it is possible Shaul is the son of Dinah and Shechem. Asenath is listed as a possible child but however it is unlikely as she was born of a high ranked Egyptian offical of Pharaoh's court and wasn't Hebrew. But yes, it is likely Dinah did have a child.

Does Michelle Duggars 19th child die?

No, she is alive.

Is all the girls from destiny child alive?
