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Yes. Think of the many bad things that have happened to you and in history. Very few were on a Friday the 13th. Bad things can happen on any date. Think of all of the Friday the 13ths you have lived through. How many of them have just been very ordinary normal days? The vast majority of them. A Friday the 13th is no worse or better than any other day and date.

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no why do you think that is was real

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Q: Is Friday the thirteenth really just a superstision?
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Why do you have Friday the thirteenth?

Because that is just the date, its how it happened. >_<

Did Kristen Renner and Roger Renner really get married on Friday The Thirteenth?

Friday May 13, 2011 in a civil ceremony , according to Cook county public records,let's just pray for them both!

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Nothing. Superstition is just a form of human paranoia

What could happen if you were born on the13th and your next birthday was on Friday and your were turning 13?

If you're going to turn thirteen on Friday 13th, what could happen, and will happen, is you'll become a teenager on that day. You could have a Friday the Thirteenth party, maybe. Lots of people have fun with the so-called unlucky date, which isn't really unlucky at all, so nothing bad happens on that day, just as no witches land their broomsticks on your roof on Halloween, and people who walk under ladders don't usually die from it. The next Friday that falls on the thirteenth of the month is May 2011; if that's your birthday, happy birthday for then!

How did Friday the thirteenth come to be unlcuky?

Because that is the date when Jason Vorhees died and became evil in the movie / show series, "Friday the 13th". So I guess people are just scared of the day which is why they believe it to be bad luck.

Is Friday the thirteenth actually evil?

No. Friday the thirteenth is considered to be unlucky because it is the day that the Roman Catholic Church chose to murder/assassinate every single member and supporter of the Knights Templar. They very nearly succeeded in making the entire Order of the Knights Templar extinct.The day itself has no particular negative properties, it's just another day.

Are black sheep unlucky?

ok well some ppl say tht black is unlucky but thts just superstision so its all up to u and if ur supersticious

How did Andy bell get aids?

Did he really ? :O i should apologize asap ! It started out as a regular friday night hustle. Just got out of control......

Is black FRiday on Every Friday?

No. Black Friday is just a ritual sale in America the day after Thanksgiving.

What do you call the Friday just before Easter Sunday?

Good friday

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is it just me or did you say you got your period

Is the world going to end on a Friday?

Nobody really knows when the end will be. It could be Friday but probably not. Just in case tidy up your room and make sure you have clean underwear. My dad works for NASA and he Said it will not end it is a rumor .