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Q: Is Haiti a democracy
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What form of democracy Haiti has?


Was Haiti a democracy when it became an independent nation?

no. it was republican

What happened in Haiti in 1994?

The US intervention called Operation Restore Democracy.

What Caribbean nation was the target of the UN peacekeeping mission called Operation Uphold Democracy?


Was the Humanitarian Service Medal awarded for service members who were in Haiti from 1995?

Joint Task Force 180, 190, & 10 SEP 94-31 MAR 95 Haiti MNF Operations UPHOLD DEMOCRACY & RESTORE DEMOCRACY

What is the main idea of the 1994 cartoon in South Africa?

Free elections are the key to true democracy in South Africa

What effect did the enlightenment have on places like Frence Haiti and Latin America?

They wanted democracy based on reason--not mindless obedience to authority.

Approximately thirty years ago which country was the first to usher in democracy and lead the way for other countries in the region to do the same?


Who is the King of Haiti?

Haiti does not have a king because Haiti's system of government is not a monarchy but a democracy. but we do have a president right now in 2008 we have Rene preval At one point we did Have a King and an Emperor (king Henry I and Emperor Soulouque 1) but now we are just a republic and their is only a president and a prime minister

What is the setting of the story in Creole Democracy?

The setting of the story in "Creole Democracy" is Haiti, a country in the Caribbean. The story takes place in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake that devastated the country and follows the lives of several characters grappling with political unrest and social upheaval.

What other nation does the Dominican Republic share an island with?


Why is Haiti called the Republic of Haiti?

Haiti is called Haiti, but its neighbor is called the Dominican Republic.