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No, because Krishna is thought to have lived at least 1400 years before Jesus but commonly thought to have lived c3228 BC[E]. Scholars have noted many similarities between Krishna and Jesus here are a short list of the most common:

Both are heralded by a bright star

Both are born of a Virgin

Both are visited by three wise men bearing gifts

Both are the second of a trinity

Both were the way to god

Both perform miracles [curing a leper]

Both were crucified

Both were raised again

Some of the points are controversial and some are debatable however there are definitely indisputable similarities between the two. overall if anything jesus was a follower of krishna.

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14y ago

No, absolutely not. They are founders of two totally different religions. Krishna is a deity worshipped in Hinduism that has several manifestations. Jesus Christ was a real person who walked the earth around 4BC-30AD, and was regarded as divine by his followers because of his claims, his teaching and his miracles.

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13y ago

From a mythological standpoint, both figures are among the numerous mythological persons said to be born in late December, killed, and resurrected three days later. There are a great deal of these religious figures throughout history (including Horus from Egyptian mythology, or Baldr from the Norse) , and it is hypothesized by many scholars that in origin this is representative of the evening star, Astrology and nature based religions. (There are strong correlations between the three days of death and three days of absence when Venus is not seen and it goes on).

For some, this information is used in arguments that are anti-religious in nature, particularly anti-Christian. Others, particularly students of comparative mythology, embrace it as evidence of a common inner consciousness and purpose in Humanity. I feel confident Joseph Campbell probably felt this way. I myself (as a Hindu) was discouraged by this when I first learned of it, but I have since seen it from another point of view.

In any case I am not well versed on the subject, but there are I'm sure many books which talk about it.

To a take a different route, both figures are essential to their respective religions, and both are considered to be incarnations of God by their respective devotees. Both are also often depicted as infants and worshiped as such. I'm sure there are many other similarities, although there are key differences too.

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