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Q: Is Judge Judy allowed to charge litigants with contempt of court?
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What is a charge issued by a judge for conduct that defies the authority of the court?

"Contempt" or "Contempt of Court"

Is a lawyer needed to file contempt of court charges?

Only a presiding judge can charge an individual with contempt of court.

Contempt of court if contempt is stopped can it be stopped?

Yes. Contempt of court is a tool for a judge to force compliance with the judge's wish. Generally once you do what the judge wants, the contempt charge will be dismissed. Incidentally, in many states Contempt of Court is the only crime with no maximum penalty. You can spend the rest of your life in jail one day at a time.

What do you do if you lose in direct contempt of court?

If for contempt of refusal to pay child support, request prosecution. If for denial of visitation, nothing.

Who are litigants?

Judging by the people appearing on Judge Sheindlin's television show, "Judge Judy," litigants are the dregs of society, offscourings of society, one-percenters, rabble, riffraff, rubbish, scum of the earth, swinish multitude, trash, undesirables, vermin; or simply, litigants are generally despicable people.

What do litigants have to do to get on Judge Judy?

Have a legitimate legal case that is worth the courts time.

A deliberate violation of the violation of a judge is called?

Contempt, or contempt of court

How do you file contempt of court charges in Texas?

You, as an individual, cannot file a contempt of court charge. You must file a motion/petition with the court stating that the court's order affecting you has been flagrantly disobeyed which has had the effect of harming you. In the motion you bring all this to the attention of the judge and ask the JUDGE to bring contempt of court charges against the individual.

Will he actually be arrested if you file for contempt?

The answer is it depends. The issue of arrest for contempt is up to the judge. The judge may order an immediate arrest, may issue or warrant for arrest, or may give the party against whom the contempt is alleged time to "purge the contempt". The last is a chance for the party accused of contempt to correct whatever situation has caused the contempt to exist. Contempt is an afront to the court, whether it is disobedience of a court order or improper conduct in a courtroom. Filing for contempt asks a judge to make a finding that a party has not obeyed an order. That issue is ultimately up to a judge.

How do you get lock up for contempt?

anger a judge

Is contempt of court a felony?

Typically it is a misdemeanor. However, the judge can order you held in jail as long as the contempt is ongoing.

What is a deliberate violation of the order of a judge?

A deliberate violation of a judge's order is known as contempt of court. This can include actions such as disobeying a court order, disrupting court proceedings, or showing disrespect towards the judge. Contempt of court can result in penalties such as fines, imprisonment, or other sanctions.