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Marx was socialist.

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Q: Is Karl Marx a socialism or capitalism?
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Which defines the ideas of Karl Marx socialism or capitalism?

Marx made a detailed analysis and critique of capitalism, and advocated its replacement by a classless Socialist society.

What individual advocated that Democracy would give way to Socialism and Capitalism would change into Communism?

KARL MARX had the view that history was inexorably trending to communism and that capitalism would improve to socialism and socialism would improve to communism.

Which individual below advocated that Democracy would give way to Socialism and Capitalism would change into Communism?

The answer is Karl Marx.

Was Karl Marx in favor of capitalism?

capitalism would lead first to socialism then to communism

What philosopher described socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism?

Marx did not see Socialism as a transitional stage to Communism. In one text he distinguished two stages of Communism, but he did not label the first stage as Socialism.

Who theorized the economic system of socialism?

Karl Marx

What is democracy according to Karl max?

Karl Marx doesn't believe in Democracy. He believes in Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and the destruction of Capitalism. Capitalism is what has kept America the best place to live in the world.

Which of the following people condemned capitalism Sigmund Freud Karl Marx or Charles Darwin?

Karl Marx is the person who condemned capitalism. Freud and Darwin did not specifically condemn capitalism in their work.

What did Karl Marx believe would bring about economic and social collapse in Europe and America?

Karl Marx believed capitalism would bring about economic and social collapse in Europe and America. Karl Marx was a proponent of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The collapse of capitalism would be the result of a workers' revolution. In his time, there were other socialists who believed that a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism was the path to the future.

Is Karl Marx a Famous or Infamous?

Karl Marx is famous for his contributions to the fields of economics, politics, and philosophy. His theories on capitalism and socialism have had a profound impact on the development of modern political thought.

Begning of socialism?

Karl Marx.

Did Karl Marx say Never Trust a Russian?

There is no evidence that Karl Marx specifically said "Never Trust a Russian." Marx's work focused on critiquing capitalism and promoting socialism, and he did not make widespread statements about specific nationalities or individuals.