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Vatican City is the smallest, not Luxembourg.

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Q: Is Luxembourg the smallest country in the world?
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Is Luxembourg the smallest EU country by area?

No. Malta is the smallest.

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Why is Luxembourg not included in the smallest country?

Luxembourg is one of the smallest (7th smallest in Europe) countries in Europe because it's size is not as big as others.

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Is Mexico the largest country with an x in its name?

Yes, the other country with an X would be Luxembourg, which is one of the smallest countries in the world.

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luxembourg it is the smallest country in the world

What is the richest country in the world?

Luxembourg, one of the smallest countries in the EU has a population of 634,000 and is the richest country in this ranking with a per capita GDP of nearly $130,000

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The poorest countries currently are Haiti, due to the earthquake, Somalia, at the horn of Africa. And Last but not least Ethiopia. And the richest country in the world is actually the smallest, Luxembourg

During world war 1 which country lost the smallest number of troops from battlefield deaths?

Luxembourg lost the least troops during the First World War.

Is Luxembourg a country?

Luxembourg city is located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which is a sovereign country. "Luxenbourg" is typically spent "Luxembourg". It is the second smallest country in the world, after Liechtenstein. It has the most banks in the whole world per square kilometer. It has an extremely high quality of life. Most Luxembourgers speak three, although most speak four languages. Luxembourgers are typically proud of their language learning, writing and speaking abilities.

What are the largest and smallest countries in the Benelux?

The Netherlands is the largest and Luxembourg is the smallest.