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Q: Is Meredith Elliott smart and talented?
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How tall is Meredith Cheesbrough?

Meredith is 5'4"

What kind of girls does Justain Bieber like?

He likes girl that are funny, kinhearted, smart, talented, down to earth, sweet, beautiful on inside and out ect..... :)

What is the birth name of Jody Meredith?

Jody Meredith's birth name is Jody Meredith.

When did Burgess Meredith die?

Burgess Meredith died on September 9, 1997 at the age of 89.

How tall is Meredith Eaton?

Meredith Eaton is 4' 3".

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smart or talented

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not at all. she is smart, funny,talented,sweet and cute not at all. she is smart, funny,talented,sweet and cute

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beautiful,smart and talented

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He is a talented singer.

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because she is so so talented

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Thomas Smart has written: 'A letter to the Rev. Richard Elliott'

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Smart , talented , jealousy

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a young preety person who is very smart and talented

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intelligent, brilliant, brainy, skillful, smart, talented

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He was very talented. He was artistic. He was smart.

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it means whoever name that is they are talented and smart and hhhooooottttttt

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clever intelligent gifted talented brainy