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Virtually everywhere on the globe is experiencing the effects of global warming. Mississippi is no exception. For Mississippi the effects have been higher average temperatures. Last year (2012), for example, was the hottest year on record in the US. Other effects Mississippi experiences are more violent storms. Storm frequency itself has not increased, just the energy of gulf storms, due to warmer seas.

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Q: Is Mississippi experiencing global warming
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Some national issues are economic and global warming. The housing market is bad, which is why it's called a "buyers market". Also, areas of the U.S. aren't experiencing the cold winters they used to because we are experiencing global warming.

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Global warming is regarded as an undesirable and dangerous phenomenon; nobody is using it, we are trying to avoid it, but every country is experiencing it, in one way or the other.

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North America is affected because all countries are affected. Global pollution is blown all over the world so all countries are experiencing global warming.

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If the Gulf Stream stopped running.

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Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

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Global warming in itself isn't pollution - global warming is the gradual warming of the earth. However, global warming was caused by carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere, but global warming in itself isn't a pollution. yes it is a pollution

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Global warming in Malayalam language?

global warming

What are misconceptions about global warming?

Global warming is not important.Global warming isn't happening.Global warming is happening but it's not our fault.Global warming is happening but we can't do anything about it.Scientists are not sure about global warming.