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I Think She Sorta Is But Im Not Sure.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Of course their in love with eachΒ 

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Q: Is Mittens in the movie Bolt in love of Bolt during the movie Bolt goes on?
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Does mittens like bolt?

If you're like me you probably think that Bolt likes Mittens, but you're not sure or want to prove it. My opinion is that he's not in love with her but is nice to her because she was probably the first friend that he ever had. Even once he finds out that he is not a super dog and that Mittens is useless to him, he still goes back for his friend. Rhino tags along just so he can help his hero get the "prisoner" back so she can show them where Penny is. Mittens probably likes Bolt (as a friend) because once she got to know him and saw that he came back for her when she got captured she realized that there's more to this dog than she thought. You may also recall that even though she was calling him "crazy" she was desperately trying to save him from falling off the train when his leash got caught on it. She called "BOLT!" when she thought it was all over for him. But then he pulled himself free and they all safely tumbled off the train. So in summery I think that Bolt likes Mittens as good friend, but he does not love her....That is a bit funny when you think about it though: a dog in love with a cat?! I mean they can got along but not be lovers. However, Mittens might have a slight crush on Bolt ;)

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One can learn how to make cashmere mittens when one goes to the website of Purl Bee. On this site, there are detailed instructions guiding one how to knit cashmere mittens.

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Where can one purchase gloves and mittens?

One can purchase gloves and mittens when one goes to stores like Sears, the Bay, Macy's, Walmart, Target, etc. One can also purchase the items online at sites like Amazon and eBay, etc.

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