No, she died in 1981 in what was then ruled as an accidental drowning off a private yacht. The only others on the boat were her husband Robert Wagner and their friend, Christopher Wauken. I believe Christopher owned the yacht. There was a lot of drinking going on that night. There is either proof or speculation that a fight occurred that night shortly before she fell overboard. Rumor is that Christopher either wanted to sleep with her or had done so or something along that nature and that Robert got jealous.
The English actor John Wood is still alive, is 81 years old, and lives somewhere in England.
Yes, Esther Wood Brady is still alive.
Natalie Wood was born on July 20, 1938 and died on November 29, 1981. Natalie Wood would have been 43 years old at the time of death or 77 years old today.
No,she isn't but they realy look like each other,especialy when Natalie Wood was about Genevieve age.
Of course she is!
Still Alive
Natalie Wood, actress, l938-l98l is no longer living.
Actress Natalie Wood accidentally drown while out on the boat with her husband. Circumstances around her death still arise suspicions.
Natalie Cole was born on February 6, 1950.
in her basement in vermont when she was still a young women
No Elijah Wood is still alive
She died on Halloween of 2016. She wrote Tuck Everlasting.
Natalie Wood was born on July 20, 1938.
The English actor John Wood is still alive, is 81 years old, and lives somewhere in England.
Well it wasn't Natalie Wood because Natalie Wood sinks in water.
Natalie Wood drowned near Santa Catalina Island, California.