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Each and every Bakugan can be any Attribute, meaning Nemus can be Haos, but it could also be a Pyrus, Aquos, etc.

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Q: Is Nemus A Haos Bakugan
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What is the best team in Bakugan ds?

I used a haos siege,haos fear reaper and haos leonidas

Who is joey's Bakugan?

Its a haos Wavern

Where can I find a picture of a Haos Bakugan?

In the top right of the screen, click your search bar(wether its yahoo, ask, or google) , type haos bakugan. click images and you will find millions of new and old haos bakugan images

What Bakugan has 720g?

Haos Alto Brotes

Can you beat mega nemus with a lowest g-power wins gate card in bakugan?

if nemus has the higher g than yes

Related questions

What is barons bakugans name?

Baron's Bakugan are as follows, Haos Nemus, Haos Geldin, and Haos Alto Brontes

In Bakugan who is the ultimate haos Bakugan?

if you are talking about g-power it would mega nemus at this time where i am mega nemus has 720 g-s

Who is Barons Bakugan in Bakugan New Vestroia?

Mega Nemus (Evoultion on normal Nemus) And Parcian (A Trap Bakugan)

What is the best team in Bakugan ds?

I used a haos siege,haos fear reaper and haos leonidas

Who is joey's Bakugan?

Its a haos Wavern

Where can I find a picture of a Haos Bakugan?

In the top right of the screen, click your search bar(wether its yahoo, ask, or google) , type haos bakugan. click images and you will find millions of new and old haos bakugan images

What are haos Bakugan abilities?

they r abilities thgat rais your haos bakugans g's

What Bakugan has 720g?

Haos Alto Brotes

Can you beat mega nemus with a lowest g-power wins gate card in bakugan?

if nemus has the higher g than yes

What Bakugan are in Bakugan defenders of the core?

you start out with drago,percival,wilma,nemus,hawthor, and muruchos second or third bakugan from the series

What is the best haos bakugan?

one of them are mega nemis

In Bakugan what are the genders for Hawklea Brontes and Nemus?

Nemus:male Brontes:male Cosmic Ingram:female