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Q: Is Phagocytosis the process of destroying pathogens by surrounding and swallowing them?
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What are the three specific steps for destroying pathogens?

Disrupting the pathogen's cell membrane or wall using physical or chemical means. Inhibiting the pathogen's metabolic processes or replication through heat, radiation, or disinfectants. Blocking the pathogen's ability to infect host cells or evade the immune system through antibodies or antiviral drugs.

What type of cells produce antibodies to destroy pathogens?

Phagocytes use phagocytosis, also Macrophages (or white blood cells) use phagocytosis to engulf and destroy pathogens.

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What is it called when phagocytes destroy pathogens?

I'm not sure if you're looking for a more specific answer, but phagocytes engluf pathogens and wastes via phagocytosis.

What is the medical term meaning white blood cells ingesting pathogens?

Phagocytosis is the medical term meaning digestion and ingestion of microorganisms by white blood cells.

Macrophage main function is?

phagocytosis of damaged cells, pathogens or non-organic material in the body.

Process by which phagocytes destroy pathogens is called?

PhagocytosisPhagocytes make up three-quarters of the body's white blood cells. They destroy pathogens by engulfing them.It's called phagocytosis. Macrophages mainly phagocytose the pathogens.

What cell type is responsible for destroying pathogens in the central nervous system?


What healing is taking place when a wound becomes inflamed?

Phagocytes are destroying pathogens

What are the adaptations of a neutrophil cell?

Neutrophils are white blood cells that play a key role in the immune system's response to infection. They are able to move quickly to sites of infection, engulf and destroy pathogens through phagocytosis, release toxic chemicals to kill bacteria, and can undergo a process called NETosis to trap and kill pathogens with DNA fibers.

Which of the following best describes the function of the Immflamotory response?

Eliminates pathogens, removes injured and dead cels, acts as the second line of deference against pathogens. Neural, cellular, leukocytes activation including phagocytosis

What healing action takes place when a wound becomes inflamed?

Phagocytes are destroying pathogens