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Yes he is and he has blond hair and blue eyes

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Q: Is Robert Neville white in I Am Legend novel?
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What is white fire?

White Fire is a thriller novel by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.

When did Robert Frost's wife Elinor White die?

She died in 1938 in Gainesville, Florida. "Found in Robert Frost, A Pictorial Chronicle", written by Kathleen Morrison

How is modernism reflected in the novel A Grain of Wheat by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o?

A GRAIN OF WHEAT is a typical modernist novel because its style is innovative, its language is complex. besides, its plot is nonlinear containing extensive flashbacks. the novel is characterized by multiple points of view and multiple story lines along with many modernist techniques such as symbolism and the stream of consciousness technique. Other aspects of newness are seen in the themes themselves because the novel deals with disillusionment and the chaos left by the white colonizers. A GRAIN OF WHEAT is open ended and this also contributes in making it a complex novel and a modernist one.

When was Pan published?

The character first appeared in a story in the book "The Little White Bird" in 1902.The play was first performed in 1904.The novel version was published in 1911.The final script of the play was published in 1928.

What is the summary of black and white by paul volponi?

The novel Black and White, by Paul Volponi is about two best friends one named Marcus and the other named Eddie. Marcus is black and Eddie is white. They both love basketball very much and grow closer because of that. They both need money for school trips and things they want, so they decide to rob people while using Eddie's grandfather's gun. One day while they rob a black man their gun accidently goes off. This changes their whole life, their friendship and their destiny.

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How tall is Neville White?

Neville White is 6'.

When was White - novel - created?

White - novel - was created in 2004.

What is the ISBN of White novel?

The ISBN of White - novel - is 1595540350.

When was The Legend of Snow White created?

The Legend of Snow White was created in 1994.

When was The Legend of White Fang created?

The Legend of White Fang was created in 1992.

When did The Legend of White Fang end?

The Legend of White Fang ended in 1994.

How many pages does White - novel - have?

White - novel - has 400 pages.

What is the duration of The Legend of White Fang?

The duration of The Legend of White Fang is 1800.0 seconds.

Who wrote the Sword and the Stone?

"The Sword in the Stone" was written by T.H. White. It is a novel that is part of "The Once and Future King," a series of books based on the legend of King Arthur.

What is the ISBN of White Night novel?

The ISBN of White Night - novel - is 045146155X.

When was White Light - novel - created?

White Light - novel - was created in 1980.

When was The White Queen - novel - created?

The White Queen - novel - was created in 2009.