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Yes. Yes he is.

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Q: Is SpongeBob the softest pillow in the world?
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What brand of feather pillow is the softest?

The softest brand of feather pillow is the Pacific Coast down pillows, in specific their Luxury Down Pillow. This Pillow is filled with our finest 700 fill power White Goose Down for incredibly fluffy comfort. This combined with the 680 thread count cover, provides the softest and most comfortable feather pillow out there.

Is the chinchilla the softest animal in the world?

Yes, the chinchilla is the softest animal in the world. The seal is the second softest if u r wondering........

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Does a chinchilla have the softest fur in the world?

Yes, a chinchilla has the softest fur in the world. They once almost almost became extinct for it. A bunny's fur comes close, but a chinchillas fur is the softest.

Does Joe Jonas have a SpongeBob pillow?

No Joe Jonas does not have a sb p ola from ola

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What is the verb formation for the word soft?

The verb formation for the word "soft" would be "soften."

Is the webkinz seal the softest?

The softest not exactly the charcoal cat is the softest 2 me ~Puplove56

who is the awesome nickelodeon charater of all the world the rugrats or spongebob?


What year SpongeBob SquarePants was invented?

2001 spongebob was introduced to the world

What is the softest material in the world?

I believe that the Chinchilla is the softest thing alive. In case you are wondering, Chinchillas are small (but not tiny) mammals. If you want the exact size, it's probably about the size of a Chihuahua or a golden retriever puppy.