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No, certainly not.

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a body. The temperature of a thing is how strongly the little bits of that thing are shaking about. If they shake hard enough, meaning that the thing is hot enough, they shake the bits apart, so that the thing melts or evaporates.

If I take something hot and put it against something cold, then the shaking of the molecules of the hot matter jostle the molecules of the cold matter, passing on some of their energy. To us that is a flow of heat energy from the hot matter to the cold.

Get that straight! It is a flow of energy, not of temperature, and the temperature is not the flow!

But, you say, suppose I take 10 grams of water at 95 degrees and put them against 10 grams of water at 35 degrees, I will get 20 grams at 65 degrees, right? How does that differ from a flow of temperature?

Temperature does not flow; heat does. I chose that example carefully to make it look like a flow of temperature. Think of a different example: suppose that we put 10 grams of Mercury at 95 degrees against 10 grams of water at 35 degrees; then we would get the whole lot at just about 37 degrees instead of 65 degrees, because it takes about 30 times as much heat to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree as it takes to heat one gram of mercury by one degree.

Now, what happened to that "flow of temperature"?

Get the picture?

Heat will flow until the temperatures are the same all right, but the heat still is the only thing that flows.

But, you say, isn't the temperature itself the flow?

No, because if I have water at 95 degrees and I don't have it touching anything at a different temperature, then there is no flow of heat (or energy, if you like; same thing in our examples) and yet the temperature stays at 95. If the temperature were the flow, then zero flow would mean zero temperature, right? And do we get zero temperature? Not a bit of it; we get 95 degrees!

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Q: Is Temperature the flow of energy from warm matter to cool matter?
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