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they are still together

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Q: Is Tia and Tamera's parents divorced from each other?
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When did Melanie Troxel and Tommy Johnson Jr get divorced?

Melanie Troxel and Tommy Johnson Jr got divorced last year. They've know each other for 20 years and counting.

Are Johnny Depps parents divorced?

They were fighting a lot,and couldn't stand each other so they divorced. Fame and money interfere with normal family dynamics. Look at Lindsey Lohan's family. Even the Barrymores { Drew's parents and grandparents } had their problems. If someone's parents divorece its because they either don't like each other or they are just fine being friends. Its not that big of a deal. If they cheat on each other it is because they are not enjoying eachothers company which is a normal thing so DON'T stress about it just chill. :)">Okay pt it this way... If someone's parents divorece its because they either don't like each other or they are just fine being friends. Its not that big of a deal. If they cheat on each other it is because they are not enjoying eachothers company which is a normal thing so DON'T stress about it just chill. :)</a> Actually, the matter was---- His mom was just '17' yrs old and the dad was '19' yrs old, they got married, Justin was born & 4 months after he was born, his mom came to know something about his dad, so they fought & finally got divorced.... they don't really tell anyone what exactly had happened, they just say they're divorced....THATS ALL EVRYBODY KNOWS :) Justin Bieber's parents are divorced because Justin's dad (Unknown) hit Justin's mother (Pattie) right in front of Justin at the age of two. So she divorced him.

Were Mary Travers and Peter Yarrow married to each other?

They were married and divorced many years ago. I don't believe that is true - Mary was married very briefly, had a child (Erika) and was divorced before being associated with Noel Paul Stookey and Peter Yarrow. Her parents name was Travers and not a married name. There is practically no public information about her first marriage. She subsequently married Barry Feinstein (they had a daughter: Alicia Travers), Gerry Taylor and Ethan Robbins.

What did Rachel Carson's parents do for a living?

Before Rachel Carson was born, her parents had sex with each other and then her mother gave birth to her. I don't know who Rachel Carson is.

Are Arnold Schwartzennegger and Maria Shriver divorced?

Arnold Schwartzenneger and Maria Shriver are divorced but they are trying to get back together and work things out towards each othr. hey both divorced when Arnold Schwartzenneger had an affair with his housemaid, Mildrid " Patty " Baena and they both had one child together. they affair was in 1997, and was found out 14 years later in mid 2011.

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If the grooms parents are divorced how do you seat them at the wedding?

Away from each other.

How can you get your parents to love each other again if they are not divorced yet?

get them together and tell them it breaks your heart to see them lyk that

Did Shirley Temple's parents get divorced?

Nope they loved each other so much. And loved raising there kids. They where a lovely couple.

Why do children prefer a divorces between their parents?

If the parents are fighting all the time or give each other the silent treatment it's not a fun house to live in. They might not be divorced at that point but you can feel the family is gone. When divorced the child still have both parents but now they are happy.

Why did Justin biebers parents split up?

I don't know why his parents split up I just think they got tired of each other. That is how most people get divorced is because they of each other or they were fighting a lot.

Could dog and Beth Chapman been divorced from each other before?

From everything I have read--they were both divorced before--but NOT from each other.

Why have Jonas brothers divorced?

They hate each other.

Who are the parents of Brody Dalle?

It's quite a sad story. Brody's dad was abusive and the parents divorced. Then her mom hated her and they ended up strangling each other. So she ran away from home, and started a band.

Is Justin Bieber parents togetther?

Hi it's me Justin Bieber and I just wanna say that it's kinda rude but I am still gonna tell you cause I forgive you. Well my parents were divorced a long time ago and now they don't really see each other so yes they were, and still are divorced.

Can divorced parents both claim a child each if there is two children and shared custody?


In Louisiana if the parents are divorced and agree to each pay half of a child's expenses can one parent create expenses for the child without telling the other parent and then ask for reimbursement?


If a child's parents are divorced and one parent remarried and divorced a second time and dies at a young age who has legal right to apply for the child's social security?

Either the other parent (if still alive and wants them) or the closest relative. The Child should be able to have some say though. All the parents of any children of the deceased parent can file for a portion of the amount. They each get a check. The more parents filing, the smaller the amount each gets.