

Is Ukraine America's enemy

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Is Ukraine America's enemy
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What are Ukraine's enemies?

Enemy country is presumed to be one with which there has been a long conflict or severance of diplomatic relations over some serious conflict. Say US and Cuba or US and Lybia in the past or US and Iran. Ukraine has no such countries on its list, hence, no enemies. The goal of Ukraine is neutrality. Kind of like that of Switzerland. It does not want to join any military alliances. Some people there would consider any group/country that exploits Ukraine or does not want it to be independent as the enemy. Some ultra nationalists think that Poland, Russia and Israel/Zionists are enemies of the country. But it is not official and is only an opinion.

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What countries are Ukraines enemies?

Enemy country is presumed to be one with which there has been a long conflict or severance of diplomatic relations over some serious conflict. Say US and Cuba or US and Lybia in the past or US and Iran. Ukraine has no such countries on its list, hence, no enemies. The goal of Ukraine is neutrality. Kind of like that of Switzerland. It does not want to join any military alliances. Some people there would consider any group/country that exploits Ukraine or does not want it to be independent as the enemy. Some ultra nationalists think that Poland, Russia and Israel/Zionists are enemies of the country. But it is not official and is only an opinion.

Who are Ukraine enemies?

In a formal sense, the Ukraine has no enemies. But the eastern part of the country has a lot of inhabitants of Russian descent and most of its all-powerful industrialists there have close connexions to Russia. Russia uses that situation to support pro-Russian separatist movements that today control a large part of Ukraine's border area. But it's not so much that Russia is an 'enemy' of the Ukraine: Russia simply wants it to be and remain just that much destabilized and out of the sphere of influence of the Western powers.

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Why should Ukraine leave Russia?

Ukraine is part of Mars

What continent Ukraine belong to?

Ukraine is located in Europe.

What is the motto of Carpatho-Ukraine?

The motto of Carpatho-Ukraine is 'Ukraine's glory has not perished'.