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No, Venus is smaller in size compared to the Moon. Venus has a diameter of about 7,520 miles, while the Moon has a diameter of about 2,160 miles.

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Q: Is Venus larger than then Moon?
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Is the moon bigger than Venus's?

No, Venus is bigger than the Moon. Venus is similar in size to Earth, while the Moon is significantly smaller, being about one-fourth the diameter of Earth.

Why is the moon larger than Venus?

The moon is 1,737.10 km and Venus is 6,052 km so it is not smaller. The moon is closer to the earth so it looks bigger in the sky.

Is venus larger than venus?

No. An object cannot be larger than itself.

Which planets larger than earth has a moon?

All of the planets larger than Earth have several moons.Mercury and Venus are the only planets for which no satelliteshave been discovered.

Is Venus larger than Mercury but smaller than Uranus?

Yes, Venus is larger than Mercury but smaller than Uranus.

Is the earth smaller than Neptune or venus?

Earth is smaller than Neptune but larger than Venus.

Is Venus smaller or larger than earth?

Venus is slightly smaller than Earth in terms of both mass and diameter.

Is Venus smaller or larger than Venus?

Venus is exactly the same size as Venus.

What planet is larger than Mercury but is smaller than Earth?

Venus is the planet that is larger than Mercury but smaller than Earth.

Is a moon larger than a planet?

No. The moon orbits the planet which means the planet is larger than the moon.

Are objects heavier on Venus' or Mars?

Objects weigh more on Venus than on Mars because Venus has a greater mass than Mars. This is due to Venus being larger and denser than Mars.

Is Venus smaller or larger than Neptune?

Venus is far smaller than Saturn. Venus is the thrid smallest planet in the solar system, larger than Mars and Mercury, bust smaller than everything else. Saturn is the second largest planet. Only Jupiter is larger.