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Q: Is Zoloft or Prozac better for losing weight?
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I'm not to sure but I think while losing weight.

Prozac weight loss?


What antidepressant puts on the least amount of weight?

ZOLOFT. I've been taking Zoloft for 7 months now with no weight gain.

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Use a better program. It's called Diet and Exercise.

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What anti-anxiety medications cause hunger?

Sertraline (Zoloft) and fluoxetine (Prozac) can cause appetite suppression and temporary warping of the taste buds, causing weight loss and nausea, respectively. As you can see, generally anti-anxiety meds cause appetite suppression, not increase.

If you are losing weight in your face are you losing all over?

Maybe. It depends on the person. A set of scales would solve your question better than guesswork.

Where can I find good excercises for weight loss?

There are many health club which will provide you a better exercises for losing weight with a quick time. It better than the other managing weight loss because it will give you better exercise with less time.

Is there any way to jump start metabolism after stopping Prozac to loss weight from Prozac?

Prozac is generally a weight loss drug -----so in general watching what you eat and exercise during and or after taking the drug should help. If a healthy lifestyle does not help have your thyroid checked. Prozac can rarely affect the functioning of your thyroid which may inadvertently be slowing down your metabolism. Clinically, weight gain has not been recognized as a side-effect of Prozac, however, a quick search of the internet reveals many users who know from first hand experience that it can slow the metabolism and even increase your appetite. Fluoxetine has a long half-life and can remain in your system for a month and a half after ceasing taking the drug. After this time frame, you may notice your metabolism returns to normal. Unfortunately, this is an unpredictable process and many people who take Prozac have trouble losing weight after their treatment, despite a controlled diet and exercise.

Who is the patron saint for losing weight?

There is no patron saint of losing weight.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of dieting?

there are no disadvantages unless you go overboard and the advantages are: feeling better, looking better, losing weight,and loads more

Can you lose height from losing too much weight?

No, not unless you have fat on the bottom of your feet. Depending on your size, some people become an inch or so taller after losing weight because they end up with better posture without carrying all the weight .