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Assuming its not slipping, its kinetic, though its in two parts (to be added together):

1 . KE due to mass alone = 0.5 * mass * v2

2 . KE due to rotation = 0.5 * I * ((radians / second)2),

where I is the baseballs mass moment of inertia.

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14y ago

That is potential energy. It is equal to theweight of the ball times the height

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Q: Is a baseball rolling on the ground kinetic or potential energy?
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A rock on top of a hill has potential energy, not kinetic energy. If it starts rolling down the hill then the potential energy transforms to kinetic energy.

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Yes, when a ball is rolling down a hill, it has both kinetic energy (energy of motion) and gravitational potential energy (energy due to its position above the ground). As it rolls, the potential energy is gradually converted into kinetic energy.

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Chemical energy - A battery (Converting chemical energy to electrical energy) Kinetic energy - A ball rolling on the floor Heat - When you rub your hands together (kinetic-->heat) Potential energy - a skateboarder on top of a hill (potential-->kinetic when rolling downhill)

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If it is still it has potential energy if it is moving it has kinetic energy.

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True. The boulder rolling down a hill possesses potential energy due to its height above the ground, which can be converted into kinetic energy as it rolls downward.

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