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A blow dryer primarily uses convection to transfer heat to the hair. The heating element inside the blow dryer warms the surrounding air, which then flows over the hair to dry it. Some heat may also be transferred through conduction if the hot air directly contacts the hair or through radiation if infrared waves are emitted.

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A blow dyer transfers thermal energy mainly by?

A blow dryer transfers thermal energy mainly by convection and radiation. Convection occurs as the hot air from the dryer rises and displaces cooler air, while radiation transfers heat directly from the heating element to the surrounding environment.

What term describes how a blow dryer transfers thermal energy?

Convection. The blow dryer creates a flow of hot air that transfers thermal energy to the object being dried through convection.

Where was the held hand blow dryer invented?

where was the hand held blow dryer invented

What type of heat transfer does a blow dryer use?

A blow dryer uses convection as the primary heat transfer method. As the heated air flows over the wet hair, it transfers heat through convection, helping to evaporate the water in the hair and dry it.

How fast does a blow dryer blow air?

Capabilities vary by different brands and models of dryer.

Would a blow dryer work in a place with no atmosphere?

No, a blow dryer requires air to work. Without an atmosphere, there would be no medium through which the heat and airflow from the blow dryer could be transferred, rendering it ineffective.

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Don't use a blow dryer

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you go into the garage and the there should be an orange leafblower (a.k.a) blow dryer

Will a egg cook faster under a blow dryer or lamp?

An egg will cook quicker under a blow dryer than a lamp because a blow dryer will transfer heat much quicker than a lamp.

What type of energy is in a blow-dryer?

A blow-dryer typically uses electrical energy to power its motor and heating element.

What is a professional blow dryer?

I recommend this professional blow dryer which is excellent, it's Karmin Salon Pro Professional Hair Dryer, I use it and my hair looks great.

How many watts does a generator have to have to run a blow dryer?

A typical blow dryer requires around 1500-1800 watts to operate effectively. Therefore, a generator with a capacity of at least 2000 watts would be suitable to run a blow dryer.