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A car tire in contact with a road surface provides high friction. This friction is necessary to ensure proper traction between the tire and the road, allowing the vehicle to accelerate, decelerate, and navigate turns safely.

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Q: Is a car tyre in contact with a road surface high or low friction?
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How does a tire increase friction?

A tire increases friction by providing a large contact area with the road surface, which allows for more interaction between the tire and the road. The tread pattern on the tire also helps to grip the road surface, especially in wet or slippery conditions, further increasing friction.

How does burning rubber create friction?

When rubber is burned, it produces a thin layer of residue on the surface of the tire. This residue can create friction when it comes into contact with the road, as it acts as a gripping agent between the tire and the road surface. As a result, the friction between the tire and the road helps to create traction, which is essential for vehicle control and braking.

What object has more friction wood or a rocky road?

A rocky road has more friction than wood. The irregular surface of rocks creates more contact points with objects passing over them, increasing friction. Wood surfaces generally have smoother textures, resulting in less friction.

What is the friction of a caterpillar track?

The friction of a caterpillar track is typically high due to the increased surface area in contact with the ground. This allows for better traction and grip, making it suitable for off-road and uneven terrain. This friction is essential for the caterpillar track to efficiently propel the vehicle.

Does surface type affect the force of friction?

Yes, the surface type can affect the force of friction. The rougher the surface, the greater the force of friction generated between the two surfaces in contact. Smooth surfaces have less friction compared to rough surfaces.

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Is friction high or low a car tire on a road surface?


How does a tire increase friction?

A tire increases friction by providing a large contact area with the road surface, which allows for more interaction between the tire and the road. The tread pattern on the tire also helps to grip the road surface, especially in wet or slippery conditions, further increasing friction.

How does burning rubber create friction?

When rubber is burned, it produces a thin layer of residue on the surface of the tire. This residue can create friction when it comes into contact with the road, as it acts as a gripping agent between the tire and the road surface. As a result, the friction between the tire and the road helps to create traction, which is essential for vehicle control and braking.

What object has more friction wood or a rocky road?

A rocky road has more friction than wood. The irregular surface of rocks creates more contact points with objects passing over them, increasing friction. Wood surfaces generally have smoother textures, resulting in less friction.

What is the friction of a caterpillar track?

The friction of a caterpillar track is typically high due to the increased surface area in contact with the ground. This allows for better traction and grip, making it suitable for off-road and uneven terrain. This friction is essential for the caterpillar track to efficiently propel the vehicle.

Does surface type affect the force of friction?

Yes, the surface type can affect the force of friction. The rougher the surface, the greater the force of friction generated between the two surfaces in contact. Smooth surfaces have less friction compared to rough surfaces.

How is friction good?

Friction is good for two reasons, both are related. 1) Friction allows your car to stay on the road. Bigger tire surface translates to more friction=better handling. Also 2) friction stops your car (brakes). The bigger the contact surface from the tire (the tire touching the road) and the better the braking system (drum brakes or disk brakes), the quicker your car will stop.

Does a tire or pulley have more friction?

A tire typically has more friction than a pulley because it has a larger surface area in contact with the ground or road, creating more friction. Pulleys are designed to minimize friction by using rolling contact between the rope or belt and the pulley wheel.

What are three examples of high friction?

Rough sandpaper against a smooth surface. Rubber tires on a wet road surface. Velcro strips fastening together.

Where is friction in cycling?

the friction is between the tyres of cycle and the road surface. Without friction movement is impossible.

What object would experience the most fluid friction?

An object with a large surface area and irregular shape would experience the most fluid friction. This is because more surface area comes into contact with the fluid, creating more opportunities for friction to occur due to the irregularities in the object's shape.

Which wheel of vehicle will have more friction one having wider tire and one having sleek tire?

Friction or grip if it's friction i think the tyre with the most contact with the road surface. If it's grip then the one with the tread