

Is a cradle a simple machine?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Is a cradle a simple machine?
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What is cradle?

a cradle is a mining machine that was used to mine gold in the goldfield in 20th centry

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An airplane is not a simple machine. A lever is a simple machine. A wheel is a simple machine. Any machine that can be described by a mathematical formula is a simple machine.

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This is not a simple machine in the terms of wheel, lever, pully, wedge, da da da on its own. In the most basic sense of the washing mechanism you might be able to call it aWheel & Axel simple machinebut that would be a stretch in my opinion and would be better given to the actual roller cradle that holds the dishes.

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A pulley isn't a kind of simple machine, it is a simple machine

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yes it is a simple machine... the wind blowing on the wheel and axle makes it a simple machine

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No, Newton's Cradle is not an example of a perpetual motion machine. A perpetual motion machine hypothetically runs forever via some external, infinite power source (or, alternatively, it simply requires no additional momentum to continue). However, a Newton's Cradle does not continue forever: its energy slowly falls over time, making it non-perpetual.

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yes , its a simple machine

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no it is not a simple machine its a complex machine by Natalie cifuentes

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its not a simple machine