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secondary because it eats animals that might eat other living things that do not eat other living thngs.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Foxes eat mostly meat, usually rodents. That makes them secondary consumers.

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7y ago

Foxes are omnivores so they qualify as both a primary consumer as well as a secondary consumer.

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Q: Is a fox a secondary consumer or primary consumer?
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Is a red fox a primary consumer?

No, the red fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.

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No, a swift fox is a secondary consumer.

Are fox primary consumers?

According to science foxes eats rats,squirrels and the can be categorized as a primary consumer and even a secondary consumer......but mostly known as a tertiary consumer.

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A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

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All omnivores are primary and secondary consumers , eg man ,fox ,cockroach etc.

What consumer level is a fox?

A fox would be considered as a secondary consumer. It is a secondary consumer because it eats other animals as well as it is eaten by other animals.

Where does a red fox fall on a food chain?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and feeds mostly on primary consumers.

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The Arctic fox is a secondary consumer.

What are secondary and primary consumers?

Primary consumers feed on producers (plants) and secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. For example, rabbits are primary consumers because they feed on vegetation. Foxes are secondary consumers because they feed on rabbits.

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