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No. Earth is denser than any gaseous planet in the solar system as it is made of denser materials.

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Q: Is a gaseous planet denser than Earth?
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Can a planet be denser than its star?

Yes, the Earth is much denser than our sun.

How is the planet Jupiter different from Earth?

Jupiter is bigger than Earth and is gaseous rather than rocky.

If the Jupiter is much larger than the earth why does it have lower density?

because jupiter is a gaseous planet while earth is rocky.

The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System Is it denser or less dense than water?

Earth is more than 5 times denser than water. Of all the planets in the solar system, only Saturn is less dense than water.

Is Venus denser than Mercury?

Mercury is denser than Venus. It is the second densest planet after the Earth.Mercury: 5.427 g/cm3Venus: 5.204 g/cm3The Earth for comparison is 5.515 g/cm3

Why is earth the densest planet?

There are two reasons that the Earth is denser than the sun. First, the sun is made mostly of hydrogen and helium while Earth is made of rock and metal, which are denser materials. Second, the sun is much hotter than Earth.

Are the planets that are closer to the sun denser?

Roughly speaking, yes: the four inner planets are quite a lot denser than the four outer planets, which are gas giants. However, note that the densest planet is Earth, which is planet #3.

Who is denser white dwarf or a planet?

A White Dwarf because the inside of a planet is denser than the outer layers of the planet combined. So the White Dwarf is smaller.

Why is earth denser than Neptune and Uranus?

Neptune and Uranus are gaseous planets and Earth has a rocky core and surface. The atoms are closer together than those of Uranus and Saturn. Common Sense gave me that answer. Maybe you should visit it some time.

What is special about Mercurys size?

It is much denser that any other planet (size for size). The Earth is a bit denser than Mercury but that is due to gravitational compression. Yet, if they were the same size, mercury would be the most dense.

What is the other type of planet other than gaseous?

The first four planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are known as "Rocky planets" because they have a surface that you can stand on.

Which planet is denser Mars or Earth?

Earth is more dense than Mars because of its huge iron core, which is larger than the planet Mars (if you include both the inner and outer core). Earth's average density is about 5.5 g/cm3, compared to 3.9 g/cm3 for Mars.