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Q: Is a high soft and closed cervix 3 4 days before expected period a sign of pregnancy?
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Early pregnancy is the cervix opened or closed?

Closed. S

With regard to pregnancy what are other reasons for a closed cervix?

A closed cervix outside of pregnancy may be an idiopathic, treatable condition. Idiopathic means we don't know what causes it.

Do pregnant women vaginal open?

The vagina is like before pregnancy but the cervix, the opening to the uterus, is closed by a mucus plug.

What if the internal os is closed?

It means the upper part of your cervix is closed. This is a good sign before 37 wks of pregnancy. When it is opened, it is considered to be funneling. Making your cervix look like a "Y".

What happens when you have a small opening in your cervix in early stages of pregnancy?

The cervical opening should be small in the early stages of pregnancy. A closed cervix is a good indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

Where should the cervix be in middle pregnancy?

The cervix extends into your vagina and fills with mucus during pregnancy, this is called the mucus plug which is a protective barrier. When you're pregnant the cervix position is firm, long and closed until the third trimester

What does a high soft closed cervix mean I'm due for my period in 2 days but very nauseated some cramping. Is this normal for menstruation?

You could be pregnant , usually after Ovulation your cervix is low hard ,and closed, but with pregnancy it's high soft ,and closed, and your having some pregnancy symptoms too, after you miss your period I would take a pregnancy test. hope this helped

What color should the cervical be in an very early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the cervix becomes closed and blue or purple in color. Also the cervical mucus tends increase due to hormonal changes.

Can sperm go through your cervix if cervix feels closed?


What is a nullip cervix?

A cervix that is long thick and closed or admits only a fingertip

Your cervix was closed during your pap smear What does that mean?

when I went for a routine cancer smear my doctor said she could not do it because my cervix was closed.

I was wondering if anyone knew if it is possible to lose your mucus plug when your cervix is closed?

well, your cervix is closed when you loose your mucus plug. When your mucus plug comes out, that means that your cervix is starting to deface and dialate.